Women's Ministries Emphasis Day 2024

Women's Ministries Emphasis Day is on the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Calendar of Days and Events and falls on the second Sabbath each June. It is an opportunity for women to lead out in a worship service and a chance to educate the church regarding the purposes of Women's Ministries. It is an ideal time to introduce your leaders and committee to the church family and to invite women who have not been involved to join.
The Women's Ministries leader should meet with the pastor at least six months prior to this day to discuss special plans for this Sabbath. This is a possible opportunity to plan a full day of activities including Sabbath School, the worship service, a fellowship dinner, and perhaps an afternoon program. The leader may also want to use this time to honor women in the congregation who have done something unusual or outstanding. Resources for this purpose are available through the Conference Women's Ministries director.