A new issue of the women’s magazine ISHAH Ad has been released by the Women’s MInistries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Spain under the direction of Amalia Reta, Department Director. The magazine is published twice a year, in March and November. The emphasis of the November issue is Enditnow, the initiative oft he church to end violence and abuse against women and children. The journal’s beautiful design is attractive and the contents are varied and interesting – from mental health with an article on how to deal with anxiety to what is good for our physical health with information about nutrition. Women, who have been regarded as of little value through the centuries, are also encouraged to let God transform them through His love and forgiveness and to spread their wings and soar like a butterfly released from its cocoon.
We would like to congratulate all who are involved in producing such a magnificent magazine for Christian women. It is a wonderful outreach tool the church members can share with their friends and communities.
Photo: WM ES