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Abundant Mercy, Peace, and Love

Abundant Mercy, Peace, and Love

Premila Pedapudi

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Jude 1:2, NIV

I have always found the book of Jude a very interesting admonition letter. Written by Jude, it seems very appropriate for our days and for the situations we face in our lives. 

Jude's greeting includes the desire that we would experience an overflowing amount of mercy, peace, and love. To fight false teaching and adversities, we would need to experience God's mercy—His compassionate help. We would also need a strong sense of wellness (peace) and supernatural love—specifically a love for God and for others. We would need God's compassionate help while under attack from Satan.

In verse two, Jude prays for three gifts for all of us:

•             God’s mercy

•             God’s peace

•             God’s love

Christians cannot earn any of these qualities. They are free gifts from God.

Mercy that we receive from God can best be expressed as His kindness and compassion in action, not only to save but also as His intervention in our everyday lives.

Peace is that quiet confidence and boldness that allows us to face life's difficulties with resilience and a security that produces well-being and joy.

Love is God's love for us revealed in Jesus Christ and is His generosity in bestowing His favor upon us and meeting all our needs.

I pray that His mercy, His peace, and His love be your everyday experience as a never-ending and all sufficient supply. May it be yours in abundance.

God bestows upon us His mercy, peace, and love to share with all mankind. May God bless each one of us to avail these free gifts and be a blessing to others. Amen!



Premila Pedapudi is an administrative Assitant for the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department.

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